All-Purpose Cleanser

Natural cleansers cost a lot and I have found them to not work that great. I found this recipe for natural cleanser from Stephanie and thought that I would give it a try. I find that this works at least as well as the regular cleansers you can buy at the store, and better than the natural ones. The tricky ingredient is liquid castile soap, which can be bought easier in the cities, but not in the rural area I live. I bought mine on the 'net in large quantities to make the most of my shipping charges. "I make up one with a citrus scent for the kitchen and one with mint for the bathroom. Choice of scents are up to you!"

3 Tabs. lemon juice or white vinegar (The lemon juice smells better but leaves an unpleasant looking layer at the top of lemon pulp. You can put it in a non-see-through bottle, or you can use food coloring to color the cleaner, which makes this layer less obvious, but my daughter objects to the coloring as being unnatural. I suppose an all-natural food color?)
1 1/2 tea. borax
2 1/2-3 cups water
1/3 cup castile soap
essential oil(s) of choice.
a spray bottle, about 26 ounces

In a large measuring cup, put in borax and add hot water to dissolve the powder. Add the lemon juice or vinegar. Pour into the bottle. Add the castile soap and water. Shake well. Add essential oil.

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